PDCA: Must Know

2 min readNov 26, 2020


“PDCA (plan–do–check–act or plan–do–check–adjust) is an iterative four-step management method used in business for the control and continuous improvement of processes and products.”


Also known as PDSA, the “Deming Wheel”, and “Shewhart Cycle”.

You probably know PDCA cycle basics, and I am not going to explain every step, you can find it here, but in this article, you will learn what you Must Know about PDCA.

Before we start, you should know that if you are interested in ISO 9001 Quality Management Systems (QMS), the PDCA cycle is the solid foundation. Learn PDCA and you will become an ISO 9001 little expert.

Learn ISO 9001 standard step by step.

Why use the PDCA cycle?

PDCA helps in the development of process quality and is allied with solving problems. It’s perfect to use when there is any implementation change, or when developing some new design of the product, and of course, for continuous improvement.

“The biggest room in the world is the room for improvement”.

Helmut Schmidt

Advantages and disadvantages of PDCA

With the help of PDCA, your team can solve problems more efficiently. However, you must be careful with this cycle, as it can negatively affect your company.

Let’s start with advantages:

- Continuous improvement of employees and processes.

- Your team test possible solutions on a small scale and in a controlled environment.

-Prevents the occurrence of repeated errors in the work process.

Disadvantages of PDCA:

- Incorrect use may be a result of the unspecific definition.

- Changes must be planned over a long period.

- With the PDCA cycle, one reacts considering everything and rarely acts proactively.

Value each PDCA element equally

Usually, the most time and effort is invested in the first two steps, and the last two are neglected. As we know that ISO 9001 — QMS is a balanced system, the same must be dedicated to each step. Then the system will be effective for the company.

You will ensure continuous improvement of the company’s process if the cycle of steps never stops (P-D-C-A-P-D-C-A-P-D-C-A -…).

PDCA cycle can be repeated as much as you need. Its phases must be in constant development and in this way will process and activity improvements be cumulative and visible to all.

PDCA is not used to solve an emergency problem

By using the PDCA cycle, the change comes gradually, so it is not recommended for urgent problem-solving. If you want to see fast change and progress in your company, this method is not for you.

The PDCA cycle is not one of the ISO 9001 Standard requirements but it is promoted by it.




Written by Charles

5 years medical regulatory consultant, before I was food inspector. Writing become my passion. Member of qmsWrappers author team.

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